Beberapa hal yang terjadi di dunia tiap detiknya

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Setiap Enam Detik, Terjadi Kecelakaan!

Terdapat 3 bayi lahir setiap detiknya

Setiap 3 Detik Satu Orang Anak di Dunia Meninggal Karena Kelaparan

Pria Membayangkan Seks Setiap 7 Detik!!

Setiap Detik Lahir 16,5 Mobil Baru!!

Setiap 60 detik atau 1 menit satu orang di Indonesia mengalami kebutuaan

Cybercrime Beraksi Setiap 10 Detik

Desain Kaos kaki yang unik

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Cara orang Jepang mengecilkan perut dengan sedotan

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Perut besar atau buncit bisa jadi karena tumpukan lemak yang ada di perut, atau otot perut yang tidak terlatih.

Tapi jepang punya cara unik untuk melatih otot perut supaya kencang dan hasilnya perut bisa mengecil. caranya gimana? mereka cuma pake sedotan! kok bisa?
Siapkan Sedotan
Potong 5 cm
Ratakan salah satu ujung sedotan
Tutup separuh lubang sedotan dengan selotip.
Mulut sedotan setelah tertutup selotip 1/2 bagian.
Tarik napas dalam-dalam, lalu tiup sedotan dengan kuat selama 5 detik
lakukan selama 3 menit per hari
Poinnya, meniup napas kuat-kuat selama 5 detik.
Beberapa orang yang melakukan selama 2 minggu hasilnya berbeda-beda, tetapi semuanya berhasil mengecilkan perut.
Menurut pakar, saatkita bernapas, otot perut lebih digunakan ketika mengeluarkan napas daripada menarik napas.
Dengan menggunakan sedotan yang ditutup separuh, efek penggunaan otot perut menjadi berlipat.

10 Tempat Sensasional untuk Bercinta

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Sebuah majalah wanita di Amerika Serikat melakukan riset penelitian tentang tempat bercinta yang mengasyikkan. Jajak pendapat itu dilakukan terhadap lebih dari 1.500 responden. Akhirnya didapatlah 10 tempat paling asyik untuk bercinta.
Barangkali saja, salah satunya merupakan tempat favorit Anda. Apakah Anda mempunyai tempat spesial untuk bercinta? Banyak tempat yang sangat pribadi dan menyenangkan untuk bercinta dengan sang kekasih pasangan Anda.
Berikut sepuluh tempat peringkat teratas, seperti dilansir Cosmopolitan, yang menurut mereka suasananya bisa diubah hingga “senakal” mungkin.
1. Kamar mandi atau bak mandi : 82 %
Cobalah bergantian saling mengusap busa di tubuh dengan pasangan Anda. Lakukan sembari saling menggoda pasangan sebelum terjun ke aksi sesungguhnya. Siapkan dua handuk berbulu hangat atau satu handuk besar yang dapat membungkus tubuh Anda. Handuk-handuk ini sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kenyamanan setelah melakukan pemanasan tersebut.

2. Mobil : 80 %
Orang sering berpikir bahwa jok belakang adalah tempat terbaik untuk melakukan hubungan seks di dalam mobil. Namun tempat ini sangat sempit dan tidak cukup ruang untuk kaki Anda. Cobalah berbaring di kursi penumpang dan terapkan posisi girl on top. Dijamin akan terasa sangat nakal dan sensual.

3. Kamar tidur masa kecil : 65%
Jika orang tua Anda sedang ada di kamar sebelah, jaga suara-suara atau bunyi-bunyi yang mencurigakan. Jangan sampai mereka mendengar jeritan-jeritan nikmat Anda atau pasangan. Di samping itu, gunakan posisi seks yang tetap bisa memuaskan tapi tidak terlalu keras mengguncang papan kepala kasur. Jadi, coba “goyang” si dia dengan lembut namun tetap menggoda.

4. Kolam renang : 54%
Ironisnya, berhubungan seks di air sebenarnya dapat mengakibatkan pelumas alami Anda mengering. Solusinya adalah dengan menggunakan pelumas berbasis silikon yang tahan air dan ban renang. Minta pasangan laki-laki Anda duduk di atas ban renang. Kemudian timpa pasangan Anda dengan cara duduk di atasnya. Lakukan aksi Anda dengan gerakan maju ke depan dan belakang secara perlahan-lahan. Biarkan sang lelaki membantu gerakan dengan memegang pinggul Anda. Posisi dan gerakan ini biasa disebut “Tawdry Tube” dalam kamus Kama Sutra Aqua ala Cosmopolitan.

5. Hutan : 49%
Terdapat dua risiko terbesar saat memanfaatkan hutan sebagai tempat bercinta, yakni serangga dan tanaman beracun. Untuk menangkis serangga, semprotkan tubuh dengan antiserangga terlebih dahulu. Tapi jangan semprotkan di daerah leher, payudara atau di mana pun yang sekiranya mungkin akan dicium atau dijilati pasangan Anda. Sedangkan untuk tanaman beracun, hindari saja.

6. Meja dapur : 48%
Sendok goreng spatula atau yang berbentuk seperti garpu yang ujungnya bersambungan itu tak hanya bisa digunakan untuk membolak-balik masakan. Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan spatula untuk memukul bokong pasangan laki-laki Anda agar permainan terasa semakin nakal.

7. Taman bermain : 42%
Gunakan wahana bermain apa pun yang tersedia di tempat yang satu ini. Hanya saja, perhatikan sekitar. Jangan sampai Anda tertangkap basah sedang “bermain” oleh anak-anak kecil yang juga ingin bermain di taman tersebut. Dan jangan lupa bersihkan “sisa-sisa permainan” di wahana-wahana itu jika Anda sudah selesai.

8. Tenda : 37%
Dinding tenda memang sangat tipis dan membayang. Untuk itu, Anda yang memilih tenda sebagai tempat bercinta disarankan untuk menggunakan posisi seks sederhana namun tetap menggoda. Di antaranya gaya “Saucy Spoon” di mana Anda berbaring menyamping menghadap ke arah yang sama dengan pasangan. Kemudian dorong bokong Anda ke arah “senjatanya” dan mainkan.

Atau bisa juga dengan gaya “Backup Boogie” di mana pasangan pria Anda berbaring terlentang. Sedangkan Anda mengangkang di atas dia dengan wajah menghadap kakinya. Bantu tubuh Anda bergoyang nakal dengan meletakkan telapak tangan di lantai. Jangan lupa berikan si dia bantal di kepala agar bisa menyaksikan pemandangan menarik itu dengan leluasa.
9. Kamar orang tua : 34%
Sedikit aneh memang. Tapi memilih kamar orang tua untuk melakukan hubungan seks bisa memberikan sensasi yang berbeda. Bagi yang ingin punya anak, siapa tahu lokasi ini bisa membantu. Pasalnya, kemungkinan di sanalah orang tua berusaha membuat Anda. Tapi ingat! Jangan sampai tertangkap basah oleh mereka.

10. Ruang cuci : 29%
Cobalah duduk di mesin pencuci, bukan mesin pengering. Ketika mesin berputar, bergerak bebaslah dengan pasangan Anda di sana.

Menarik. Semoga Anda dan pasangan Anda dapat menemukan variasi dan sensasinya. Variasi dan sensasi dapat membantu kelanggengan kehidupan perkawinan Anda.

KumpuLan Presenter Wanita Metro TV

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Catherine Keng is part of Metro TV’s groundbreaking “Metro Xin Wen” team, the country’s first daily Mandarin language television program. As one of the team’s anchors, Keng helps provide an important source of information for Indonesia’s sizeable Chinese community. She also serves as Metro TV’s assistant to the general manager of marketing.

In August 2005, Keng reported on the signing of the peace agreement between the Aceh Independence Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian government. She interviewed all presidential candidates in the 2004 election. Her one-on-one interviews include Ma Ying Jeow, leader of Taiwan’s opposition political party, and Hong Kong superstar actor Jackie Chan.

Keng joined Metro in September 2000. Prior to that, she was an English-language lecturer in university and high school classes. She was born in Jakarta and holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Atma Jaya Catholic University in Jakarta. She speaks Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Desi Anwar’s television career serves as a road map for all aspiring journalists. As Metro TV’s senior anchor, Anwar hosts the network’s major economic and special programs, along with serving as Media Support Manager.

She began her career as an anchor/reporter with Indonesia’s first commercial television station RCTI in 1990. Among other programs, she hosted “Seputar Indonesia,” “Nuansa Pagi,” “Buletin Siang” and “Buletin Malam.” Anwar also served as executive producer and anchor of RCTI’s daily English-language news program “Indonesia Liputan Khusus.”

Anwar was voted “Best News Presenter” by Citra Tabloid for three consecutive years (1994 – 1997). She also won the Panasonic Award for “Best News Presenter” in 1997 and 1998. In 1998, she was nominated as “Best Anchor/Presenter” by the Asian Television Awards. And she was a nominee for the Panasonic Award “Best News Presenter” in 2004.

Born in Bandung, Anwar holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Sussex, and a master of arts degree from the University of London. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia, English and French.

Her passion for spreading information began early in Elvita Khairani’s life. Born in Lhoukseumawe in Aceh, she planned on being a teacher before TV journalism called.

Khairani graduated from State University of Medan, majoring in English. While attending school, she worked as a reporter for government-owned TVRI. She joined Metro TV in November 2006, and now anchors various news programs including “Public Corner.”

Her off-air interests focus on volunteer work with youth in rural areas, such as with the Dayak tribe in Borneo. She speaks fluent Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Eva Julianti is a Metro TV daily news anchor, presenting programs such as “Business Hari Ini,” Metro Realitas” and “World News.” She joined Metro TV in April 2007. Previously, she was an anchor and assistant producer at SCTV.

Julianti began her career as a reporter at SCTV, covering news, business, crime and politics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Indonesia.

She was born in Surabaya and raised in Jakarta. She lived abroad as a high school exchange student in Melbourne, Australia. Julianti speaks fluent Bahasa Indonesia and conversational English.

Fifi Aleyda Yahya is the anchor of Metro TV’s daily news program “Metro Hari Ini.” She also serves as the network’s talent manager.

As the daughter of a diplomat, Yahya’s international upbringing prepared her well for her career in television. Born in Jakarta, Yahya lived and attended schools in Kuwait and Pakistan. She has a bachelor’s degree in management from Trisakti University in Jakarta.

In 1995, Yahya won the title of “Miss Jakarta (None Jakarta)” and a one-year promotion contract with the Jakarta city government.

Prior to joining Metro TV in 2001, Yahya worked in public relations with PT Telstra Nusantara and was an English-language anchor/reporter with TVRI. Her numerous high-profile interview subjects include political figures Amien Rais; the daughter of former president Suharto, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana; and former president Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Yahya is active in community programs, serving as Vice Chairman of International Affairs for the Indonesian Board of Athletics. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Frida Lidwina is the co-anchor of Metro TV’s English-language weekly news program “Indonesia Now.” She also anchors programs in Bahasa Indonesia such as “Business Hari Ini” and “World News.”

Lidwina joined Metro TV in 2004, after working as a news reporter for Trans TV in Jakarta. Born in Jakarta, she graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, majoring in journalism. She also holds a master's degree in finance from University of Western Australia in Perth.

Lidwina is fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Gadiza Fauzi is an anchor for Metro TV’s daily news programs including “Metro Pagi” and “Metro Siang.” She also anchors hourly news headlines.

Fauzi joined the network in June 2005. She graduated from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California, with a bachelor’s degree majoring in 3-D Visual Effects.

She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English, and is a skilled painter.

Kania Sutisnawinata is one of Metro TV’s primetime news anchors on programs such as “Metro Hari Ini” and “Top Nine News.” She previously co-anchored “Indonesia Now” from its inception in September 2006 until February 2008. Her television career began as an anchor for SCTV in Jakarta.

An international background as the daughter of Indonesian government diplomat prepared her for her current duties. Born in Jakarta, she lived and attended schools in Czechoslovakia, Geneva, Los Angeles and Mexico City. She attended the United States International University in Mexico, and graduated from the University of Indonesia as a marketing majoring.

Sutisnawinata speaks Bahasa Indonesia, English and Spanish, and has won honors for her proficiency in French.

She’s worked in sales and dreamed of being a singer. But Lucia Saharui is right where she wants to be.

The native of Ternate in Maluku graduated from the University of Indonesia with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. After four years with a cement manufacturer, her television career began as an anchor/reporter at RCTI in Jakarta. She joined Metro TV in July 2006, and now anchors “Metro Malam” and “Headline News.”

She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.


Her speciality is business, and Maria Kalaij is a familiar face at the Jakarta Stock Exchange and in the offices of Indonesia’s leading companies. Kalaij reports and anchors on Metro TV’s flagship business shows “Market Review” and “Bisnis Hari Ini.” She joined Metro TV in 2001 after working at PASFM Business Radio.

She was born in Manokwari. She holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Diponegoro, Indonesia.

Kalaij speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.


Najwa Shihab anchors Metro TV’s primetime evening news program “Metro Hari Ini.” The daily one-hour live broadcast focuses on Indonesia’s top news stories and people. She also hosts the network’s primetime talk show “Today’s Dialogue,” the weekly interactive program “Padamu Negeri,” and “Save Our Nation,” a weekly newsmakers forum.

During the 2004 presidential election, Shihab co-anchored “Pentas Kandidat,” which was named “Best Television Election Talk Show” by Indonesia’s Media Coalition for Clean Election. She also hosted a live special focusing on high-profile court cases including the Bali bombing trial, Akbar Tanjung proceedings, and the Tommy Soeharto trial.

In 2005, Shihab was named “Best TV Anchor/Reporter” by an Indonesia journalists association for her work in the 2004 tsunami that hit Aceh and Nias.

Shihab began her career as a reporter with RCTI in Jakarta. She joined Metro TV in August 2000. During the past six years, Shihab has covered the country’s major stories, including the first interview with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono after taking office, and an exclusive conversation with Malaysia’s former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim shortly after his release from prison.

Shihab was born in Makassar. She graduated with a law degree from the University of Indonesia, majoring in litigation. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

She combined her love of language with a desire to be a “witness to the world.” The result is a career in journalism that’s placed Nina Melinda at some of Indonesia’s top news events.

Melinda joined Metro TV in June 2008, anchoring “Headline News” and “Metro Malam.” She also serves as assistant producer of “Top 9 News.” She began her career as a reporter/anchor at TV7 in Jakarta.

The major stories she’s covered include the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006, the Helsinki peace talks in 2005, and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh.

A native of Yogyakarta, Melinda majored in English at Sanata Dharma University. She also earned a master’s degree from the American Society and Political Program at Gadjah Mada University. While attending school, she worked as an English teacher.

She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and conversational English.

Prita Laura is the host of Metro TV’s travel program “Archipelago.” She also anchors “Metro Siang” and “Public Corner,” along with hourly news headlines.

Journalism is Laura’s second career, coming from the legal profession. She worked at a law firm after graduating from the University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, majoring in International Law.

She was in Klaten, Central Java. She joined Metro TV in 2004.

Laura has served as a volunteer English teacher in the Sekolah Darurat Kartini program, which helps homeless children. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Rini Wulansari is a member of the Metro TV sports team as an on-air reporter and production staff.

She began her career in 1998 as a radio host-reporter in Bandung. She switched to television when she joined Metro TV in October 2000.

Born in Bandung, Wulansari graduated from Bandung Islamic University, majoring in public relations. She’s been active as a board member of HPPI, the Organization of Broadcasters of Indonesia in the Bandung region.

She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English, and is skilled in diving and Aikido.

Sumi Yang is an anchor on Metro TV’s daily Mandarin-language program “Metro Xin Wen.” She also anchors regular “News Flash” bulletins.

Yang was born in Riau. She graduated from the University of Bina Nusantara in Jakarta, majoring in information systems.

She joined Metro TV in 2002. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin and English.

Tascha Liudmila began her career as a print journalist before moving to television news. She joined Metro TV in February 2008, anchoring morning programs and headline news segments.

She was born in Jakarta, and graduated from the University of Pelita Harapan with a bachelor’s degree in social science. After reporting on crime and politics for SCTV in Jakarta from 2004-2006, she returned to school in the United Kingdom. She earned her master’s degree in international business from the University of Birmingham.

Liudmila speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Virgie Baker anchors several Metro TV programs including “Metro Siang” and “Archipelago,” also serving as the travel show’s producer. She has covered some of Indonesia’s biggest stories, including the civil unrest in Ambon in 2001 and the Aceh tsunami in 2004.

She was on the initial team of anchors when Metro TV launched in 2000.

Baker was born in Jakarta. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Japanese Literature from the University of Indonesia. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia and English.

She’s channeled her dream of being a professional golfer into a career in TV news. Yvonne Adelia’s competitive skills suit her well in the challenging world of journalism.

Adelia is a member of Metro TV’s pioneering Metro Xin Wen Chinese-language team, anchoring NewsFlash segments.

Born in Jakarta, Adelia received her higher education in Australia, Japan and the U.S. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing communications at City University in Seattle, Washington.

Because she speaks and reads four languages – Bahasa Indonesia, English, Mandarin and Japanese - she was in demand as a translator following graduation. She joined Metro TV in February 2008.

Besides golf, playing the piano takes up Adelia’s leisure time.

Zelda Savitri is the anchor of the English-language weekday news program “Indonesia This Morning.”

Her professional career began on a Metro TV show business program in 2003. During that time, Savitri interviewed global artists such as Latin singer Enrique Iglesias, the pop group Blue, and Croatian pianist Maxim.

She is also actively involved in the production of programs, proficient in script-writing and editing, serving as assistant producer of Metro TV’s international program “Indonesia Now.”

Savitri was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. She graduated from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, with a degree in Media Studies, majoring in cinema studies and TV production. She speaks fluent English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Candy Natazia Jorian had plans to become a physician, graduating from UKRIDA University in Jakarta with a major in medicine. But her career path turned to television following a one-year Mandarin language course at the Center of Chinese Language and Culture at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei.

Jorian was a founding member of the "Metro Xin Wen" team, which produces a daily Mandarin language news program. She anchors the Sunday edition of "Metro Xin Wen," utilizing her health background and focusing on traditional Chinese medication and techniques. She also helps lead the team as producer of special programs.

Born in Jambi, Jorian speaks Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia and English.

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